
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Multiple Sclerosis Prognosis

It IS  possible to heal from MS. Don't believe otherwise.

Dr. Jean Seignalet trialed a dietary change in 47 MS patients focusing on consumption of raw and organic foods as well as meat raw or cooked at low temperatures. Eliminating sugar, gluten and milk were also recommended. The results were remarkable. 46/47 patients achieved at least a 50% improvement in symptoms and 13/47 achieved complete remission. Dr. Joseph Mercola provides similar recommendations and reports a high degree of success. These recommendations have provided success to many other illnesses as well [1-3]. I ate this way and found a lot of physical success with it...including eating raw meat. 
**In February 2016, I switched to a vegetarian diet for moral reasons. I was dealing with depression and had little Physical concern.  it has actually gotten a lot better since i made the switch. Still eating a lot of  organic cheese and raw goat's milk. I actually ate no meat when I was at my sickest in Jan and Feb 2014, eating mostly raw eggs, vegetable juice with raw garlic, and a few other foods.

Another place to find some who have reversed disability in MS is in antibiotic trials [4,5].

I prefer raw garlic [6] and colloidal silver as well as other foods and herbs which are antimicrobial while boosting detoxification as my main way to handle infection. Also antibiotics may have other side effects and also kill beneficial bacteria.

I believe that it is important for people with MS to see that there is a role played by chronic infection in MS and also the hope found by seeing the high percentage of success in MS treatment.

There are so many success stories from those who've altered their diets (along with other healing techniques) such as Matt Embry, Ann Boroch, and Pam Bartha, symptom free and robust health after 20 plus years with MS. As well as other people who've made strides with their MS such as Terry Wahls Cami Walker, Bob Cafaro,  and Montel Williams. More on these success stories to come.

Finally, I would like to say, and I believe many who've healed from various serious illnesses would agree, that the physical recommendations are important, but mental, emotional and spiritual issues can really be the driving factor behind physically illnesses and growth in these areas shows itself to be the most important factor in healing and being happy.

God bless u,

1] http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/01/insights-on-multiple-sclerosis.aspx
2] https://seignaletdiet.wordpress.com/diet-basis/
3] Seignalet D., Seignalet A., Parkinson C, "How to Prevent and Reverse 100 diseases the new French way with Dr. Seignalet's diet miracle: Obesity/Arthritis,Migraines/Depression/MS/Crohn's/Diabetes/Fibromyalgia/Acne/Lupus etc. "2015, Print.    
  4) A. Minagar, J.S. Alexander, R.N. Schwendimann, et al., Combination therapy with interferon beta-1a and doxycycline in multiple sclerosis: an open-label trial. Arch Neurol. 2008; 65: 199-204

5)M. Mazdeh and A.R. Mobaien, Efficacy of doxycycline as add-on to interferon beta-1a in treatment of multiple sclerosis. Iran J Neurol. 2012; 11: 70-73
6] G. Li et al., “Fresh Garlic Extract Enhances the Antimicrobial Activities of Antibiotics on Resistant Strains in Vitro” J Microbiol, vol. 8, no. 5, article e14814, 2015.


  1. I hope other people will benefit from your continuing journey.

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