
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Saved by supplements

You can see from the 2 charts below some of the positives effects of 2 of my favorite vitamins: Vitamin D and Vitamin K2: Cancer, Heart disease, Autoimmune disease, Osteoporosis. Both benefitted me very much.

1               Rees K, Guraewal S, Wong YL, et al. Is vitamin K consumption associated with cardio-metabolic disorders? A systematic review. Maturitas. 2010 Oct;67(2):121-8.
2               Geleijnse JM, Vermeer C, Grobbee DE, et al. Dietary intake of menaquinone is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: the Rotterdam Study. J Nutr. 2004 Nov;134(11):3100-5.
3               Gast GC, de Roos NM, Sluijs I, et al. A high menaquinone intake reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis. 19 (2009) 504-510.
4               Beulens JW, Bots ML, Atsma F, et al. High dietary menaquinone intake is associated with reduced coronary calcification. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis. 19 (2009) 504-510.
5               Vermeer C. Clinical trial on beneficial effects of long term menaquinone-7 (vitamin K2) intake by postmenopausal women. ClinicalTrials.Gov NCT00642551.
Kroon A. The effects of vitamin K2 supplementation on the progression of coronary artery calcification. ClinicalTrials.Gov NCT01002157.

Vitamin C and Magnesium are 2 other nutrients which hold a special place in my heart.. In March, 2013, after I had made a big recovery from Dec 2012 when the IV steroids backfired and I was so tired I was getting out of bed virtually only to eat and maybe 1 or 2 extra times per day. I’d lost 15 lbs also while on the steroids. In March, I was doing a lot better and even went to Key West on Spring break. I read something bad about a synthetic supplement and decided to stop all my synthetic supplements…which were b complex, vitamin c, coQ10, and ..something else. A few days after I got back from Key West, I was pretty tired and slept 10 hours that day. The next day 12 hours, then 14 hours. What is going on? My vitamin D is high enough, I was just outside in Florida every day for a week. I went tanning… yea that helped.. maybe… no, that was not it. Then laying there trying to figure this out for a couple days it seemed, just feeling fatigued and sickish…wondering what … the heck is this,  I thought HA!, I wonder if it’s one of the supplements I stopped. I thought to try the vitamin C first. Boom! Within seconds of chewing the tablet I got a fever and felt so much better. My body was trying to mount a fever and couldn’t even do it without the vitamin C. Amazing how high your demand for nutrients are when you have a severe illness.

I had a similar situation in Feb 2014 during a more severe illness, I was almost forgetting what I was doing at times. I was vibrating with anxiety/physical toxicness. I tried some magnesium tablets I had and all of a sudden I could hold a conversation with someone, tolerate driving, and function a good bit better.

Lastly, I was having cardiac symptoms in March 2014 and adrenal fatigue issues and feeling terrible as usual. Not thought of as a supplement, but it felt like it to me, I ate some seaweed. Oh my goodness. It was more relieving than the vitamin C instance in 2013, because of how severe my condition was in 2014. The relief was likely due to trace minerals in seaweed which are important. 

341) Altura et al., “Comparative findings on serum IMG2+ of normal and diseased human subjects with the NOVA and KONE ISE’s for Mg2+”
Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl, vol. 217, pp. 77-81, 1994.
342) “Magnesium concentration in brains from multiple sclerosis patients”
Acta Neurol Scand, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 197-200, 1990.
343) Z. Stelmasiak, J. Solski, B. Jakubowsa, “Magnesium Concentration in plasma and erythrocytes in MS”                  Acta Neurol Scand, vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 109-11, 1995.

Vitmain C:
344) B. Tavazzi, et al., Serum metabolic profile in multiple sclerosis: Mult Sclero Int, vol 11, article 167156, 2011.  

Monday, December 21, 2015

Origin of my mental issues

I mentioned in an earlier post that I did a hypnosis type of therapy which helped me heal but changed me mentally in a way I didn't like.   I wouldn't recommend this type of therapy. But perhaps God led me there for a reason. I was praying a lot toward the end when I felt like I was in over my head and didn't know how far to take it. And God let me know when it was time to stop. For some reason, though,  it still left me with regret. I do believe I gained some valuable information from this therapy.  During the sessions, I was able to remember many early childhood memories. Earlier and earlier. 3 years old. 2 years, a baby, and it may not sound believable but I remembered being born, the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and struggling to breathe for a bit until it was off. And the most important thing that happened… was being removed from my mother after birth and taken to another room. Probably the most traumatic experience of my life, totally hidden until this.  I see the issues I've had in my life and can see how this separation stayed with me subconsciously. Being removed from our mothers/families at birth and taken to another room happened to probably almost everyone reading this. Maybe it had a bigger effect on me than most. All God's plan...but I'd say that this was the root of many emotional issues, ones that made a big contribution to my getting MS. I certainly believe this event has the potential to cause damage and would advise families of newborns to have the babies stay with them and get all clean up or whatever needs to be done without leaving. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

My Story in a Nutshell

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in late 2012 beginning with blurry vision. That's the only symptom I had until I was given high dose corticosteroids and it backfired badly. I was an athletic 24 year old who had never had a  serious illness and in 2 weeks, I lost 15 pounds, became so fatigued i would get out of bed only a few times a day to eat and also had worsening weakness in my arms and legs.  This was the start of a journey for me. Early 2013 was characterized by a lot of physical healing with exercise and diet and other things. I became more spiritual, talking to my grandfather who'd passed. I also realized the importance of hope and how helpful it is to smile.  I put on a lot of muscle in the healing process during the next 5 months and was 15 pounds heavier than prior to the diagnosis. Feeling very confident and accomplished, I had no idea, I was going to get sicker than ever before. In late 2013, I had a dental procedure in which a bone graft was implanted and became rejected. I missed 9 months of Physical Therapy school and had to live with my parents for most of that time. I never lost the ability to run. My weakness was never that severe although I was limited to running for only a few minutes at times due to shin splints/calf strains after the 1st illness and limited to running about 25 feet at times due to cardiac symptoms or malaise the 2nd time. No severe weakness, but I did multiple infections and was very toxic. My physical low point was when I had symptoms of a brainstem lesion beginning on January 6th 2014. I was unable to sleep through the night without cardiac symptoms or breathing difficulty from January until mid April. My turning point from my lowest physical state was Feb 4th 2014 when I woke up gasping for air and a weak heartbeat, feeling like I had hours maybe? to live, my biggest regret was thinking I would pass away and not be able to spread the MS/health research I found. I posted it on facebook and apologized that I thought I was going to be able to beat this thing and... so many people prayed for me and sent me well wishes. Something inside me felt so much better. It lifted me up. Something spiritual and mental. Just about every week since April 2014 has been better physically than the week before. The second bout with illness really highlighted the importance of hope, friendship, emotional well-being, patience, and helping others. One major takeaway I have from it is seeing us all as one. All of us on the Earth and even beyond. And seeing others as yourself. Treating them as you'd like to be treated, especially those in need, and also others.  I will admit, despite my physical success,  and the spiritual lessons, I have suffered from depression and loneliness since the 2nd illness until currently which is December 2015. I think I know so much, but I don't have all the answers. Sometimes I believe if I could help other people the way i've been helped, then I'd feel better. Maybe that's the thing that's missing.  To be continued....

Spiritual Healing

Do unto others as you'd have done to yourself. This is something God has let me experience fully. Of all of the things I do in this new life of mine, since my last illness rocked me to my core, the one thing that always seems to bring me joy is helping others. Whether it's giving to a poor person or spending time with someone who is sick or lonely or depressed, or just giving my dog "people food" instead of dog food. We all have something to offer someone or something else, no matter where we are at. It could be just a smile or telling a story. Seeing us all as one, each other as parts of a whole helps to see that truth that we are each other and we do experience what each other experiences. We are a part of this Earth and something much larger. More on this topic to come...

Mental Healing

The first time I got sick, I followed dietary and treatment recommendations of Dr. Mercola and Terry Wahls and Direct-MS and healed very well physically. I then came across the high percentage of success recorded from a diet by Dr. Seignalet which was very similar to Dr. Mercola's recommendations. There were issues, however, that could not be addressed by diet. Underlying emotional issues, which I discovered 3 months into my bout with my first illness to be the underlying cause of my anxiety and angst for the previous years and my MS. Like this illness would find a way for me to deal with these issues one way or another. Good diet or not, this was going down. Staring these issues face to face. Counseling is something I found to be a huge help to me when I could go. At one point during my 2nd illness, I was too sick to make it to counseling. This was a point of contention between my family members and I.  I believe my lack of counseling is a big part of my depression over the past year. Holding onto things and wanting things I would have been better off without. To be honest, I've been disappointed with the way I healed from the 2nd illness. After the 1st illness, I was bold, passionate, and thought of helping many others with the things i'd learned as a higher priority than helping myself. Recovery from the 2nd illness was defined in part by opening up to people and by the prayers and well wishes of others and the continued desire to help others, but also by retreating to be alone. I went to live by myself at my Aunt's shore house for almost a month because I could not take daily arguments with family members in my weakened state. And also defined by a hyponosis-like treatment which helped me heal physically and release a lot of stress....but in the long run, left me feeling passive, timid, and empty inside. But life goes on. As I continued to get healthier and healthier, in late 2014, the negative emotions would bubble to the surface. I would hit a ceiling and wouldn't be able to heal anymore until I dealt with the issues, whether that was apologizing to someone i'd hurt, or more often, confronting someone who'd hurt me to let them know what they did and how I felt. And there are so many more issues which are so obviously a big deal when I think about them. One is that I feel isolated by the things i've learned many things in the past 3 years which moved me toward alternative medicine. I now hold controversial health and political issues. I honestly feel that I can't quite be myself around anyone 100% that I can think of right now without offending someone. Maybe 99% around someone. But, I believe in happy endings and as often as I tell other people that their physical issues are not irreversible, some of these people having visibly significant impairments, I'm going to know that myself as well. That my mental issues, are not irreversible.

PS. I think an important lesson is that, when you have a serious illness, injury, etc., it's important not only to heal, but to heal the right way...Because how you heal really does, in part, define you. And you don't want to be healed and unhappy, or healed and not yourself/not the person you want to be. Sometimes I feel like God is showing me all of the sides of MS... The physical issues, the mental issues, one after another,... the vision, the weakness,(less weak than most), the sickness, the having to stay home and be out of work, the loneliness, etc. thankfully for me, I'd say that, although t's been very intense in many ways, the symptoms have lasted a shorter time than most.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Multiple Sclerosis Prognosis

It IS  possible to heal from MS. Don't believe otherwise.

Dr. Jean Seignalet trialed a dietary change in 47 MS patients focusing on consumption of raw and organic foods as well as meat raw or cooked at low temperatures. Eliminating sugar, gluten and milk were also recommended. The results were remarkable. 46/47 patients achieved at least a 50% improvement in symptoms and 13/47 achieved complete remission. Dr. Joseph Mercola provides similar recommendations and reports a high degree of success. These recommendations have provided success to many other illnesses as well [1-3]. I ate this way and found a lot of physical success with it...including eating raw meat. 
**In February 2016, I switched to a vegetarian diet for moral reasons. I was dealing with depression and had little Physical concern.  it has actually gotten a lot better since i made the switch. Still eating a lot of  organic cheese and raw goat's milk. I actually ate no meat when I was at my sickest in Jan and Feb 2014, eating mostly raw eggs, vegetable juice with raw garlic, and a few other foods.

Another place to find some who have reversed disability in MS is in antibiotic trials [4,5].

I prefer raw garlic [6] and colloidal silver as well as other foods and herbs which are antimicrobial while boosting detoxification as my main way to handle infection. Also antibiotics may have other side effects and also kill beneficial bacteria.

I believe that it is important for people with MS to see that there is a role played by chronic infection in MS and also the hope found by seeing the high percentage of success in MS treatment.

There are so many success stories from those who've altered their diets (along with other healing techniques) such as Matt Embry, Ann Boroch, and Pam Bartha, symptom free and robust health after 20 plus years with MS. As well as other people who've made strides with their MS such as Terry Wahls Cami Walker, Bob Cafaro,  and Montel Williams. More on these success stories to come.

Finally, I would like to say, and I believe many who've healed from various serious illnesses would agree, that the physical recommendations are important, but mental, emotional and spiritual issues can really be the driving factor behind physically illnesses and growth in these areas shows itself to be the most important factor in healing and being happy.

God bless u,

1] http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/01/insights-on-multiple-sclerosis.aspx
2] https://seignaletdiet.wordpress.com/diet-basis/
3] Seignalet D., Seignalet A., Parkinson C, "How to Prevent and Reverse 100 diseases the new French way with Dr. Seignalet's diet miracle: Obesity/Arthritis,Migraines/Depression/MS/Crohn's/Diabetes/Fibromyalgia/Acne/Lupus etc. "2015, Print.    
  4) A. Minagar, J.S. Alexander, R.N. Schwendimann, et al., Combination therapy with interferon beta-1a and doxycycline in multiple sclerosis: an open-label trial. Arch Neurol. 2008; 65: 199-204

5)M. Mazdeh and A.R. Mobaien, Efficacy of doxycycline as add-on to interferon beta-1a in treatment of multiple sclerosis. Iran J Neurol. 2012; 11: 70-73
6] G. Li et al., “Fresh Garlic Extract Enhances the Antimicrobial Activities of Antibiotics on Resistant Strains in Vitro” J Microbiol, vol. 8, no. 5, article e14814, 2015.