I mentioned in an earlier post about seeing ourselves as a part of something bigger than ourselves. You and I are a small part of the Earth and something much larger. Just as we want our body to function as a whole for the good of the entire body, we must put the entire Earth's health before our own. The Earth is "sicker" than it has been in the past. And unfortunately, it is us humans who have been polluting it.
What does it take for us to be a sustainable part of this Earth?
The answer may not be that far out of reach. To think that we discovered electricity 250 years ago and are where we are at now technologically, it is not unreasonable to think that we will be able to store the massive amounts of potential renewable energy that are available to us and probably other forms of renewable energy we have not even discovered yet.
Another problem which is not particularly light to talk about is our population size. 1.5 Billion in 1900 and 7+ billion now. Again, the answer is not out of reach, but right before our eyes. Populations can only grow if couples have more than 2 children. If we, as a race, believe our population should stop growing, and want to avoid war (and disease and disaster) as means of accomplishing this, this would be the way to do it. This part requires us coming together. This requires communication.
Is there any other way for us to live long term on this Earth?...peacefully.? Be the change. starting meow.
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